Performance and video works

Full full, half half

Alter-ego Tatyana, a Czech rhythmic gymnast, strives for control. In a park in Nottingham, training and performance blur. Tatyana’s choices result in a public and private exploration of agency and discipline, overwhelm and release. She tussles with joy and the edges of absurdity.

Full full, half half – (2022/23 - 5mins 30secs )short performance-based film, showings include Beeston Film Festival UK, (nominated for best East Midlands Film BIFA accredited) Koln Film Festival, Cannes Artist Film Festival (AVIFF), Stockholm Film Festival, Boden Fim Festival (Sweden) Shortstack Film Festival (Nottingham UK) and ECC Performance Art Exhibition: The Poetic Image. Making a performance-based film allowed me to ask questions about working with alter-egos and our ability to escape ourselves. The tension and energy these dynamics create are at the heart of this piece. 

The film is inspired by Vera Chytilova, the only woman in the Czech new wave of film makers in the 1960’s. Her work was radical in its depiction of women’s lives and wildly innovative in its approach (BFI retrospective 2015). “Something different,” Chytilova’s debut follows real life gymnast Eva Bosakova.

Dazwischen - the between

Dazwischen (2021 2mins 08 secs) Presents alter-ego Doris throwing paint, her approach seeks to let go of the outcome, and explores the experience of the paint in flight. The resulting works also include action paintings that form a register of energy.

The works and film were part of a solo show for 2Chairs a nomadic project space collective in Berlin.