Walk Tall: Being a 21st Century Public Servant – Shared Press 2016
Walk Tall is an intriguing mix of short fiction, profiles and opinions about the experience of working in the public sector. Find out what people do, how they lead and what’s needed of public servants in a complex and changing society. The free ebook celebrates the best of public service and shows the way ahead. It features 65 public servants, 25 organisations and plenty of shoes. Commissioned by the Local Government Association, SOLACE and the Public Sector People Managers Association this is a free ebook.
Making our Mark – Shared Press 2015 and International Edition 2017
How do you want to make your mark in the world of work? It’s the question at the heart of a new creative project commissioned by the University of Greenwich. It was designed to explore student stories of work, their experiences and expectations. The stories included are rich, engaging and honest in a way that no case study could ever be. And the story structure adds meaning and clarifies where the real rub is terms of getting started in a career.
Change the Ending – Shared Press 2014
Change the Ending is a flash-fiction collection that opens up an imaginative and creative dialogue about the future of local government and public services. See the Shared Press blog for a selection of curious, quirky and inspiring stories, exploring the future of public life, written by people who care about it. The project is supported by Solace, KnowledgeHub and the Guardian.
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